Keepsake Estate Sales |
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Freeze Estate Sale Dates and Times Completed Sale Location 402
Weatheridge Drive Jackson,
TN Directions From the intersection of I-40 and Hwy. 45
Bypass in Jackson, go north on Hwy. 45 Bypass 1.9 miles to Oil Well
Road. Turn left onto Oil Well Road
and go half a mile to Weatheridge Drive. Turn right onto Weatheridge Drive
and go 1 mile. The home is on the right. Look for the Keepsake Estate Sale sign. Terms and Conditions We accept credit/debit cards,
checks, and , of course, cash Numbers will be given out at 8:00 AM Saturday. Bring your own boxes and
packing materials. You will be responsible
for loading your own items. We are not responsible for
accidents or injuries. Please
do not block any driveways. We will not disclose
prices prior to the sale Sale Description The home belongs to “empty nesters” who are downsizing, so everything has
to go. If you or someone you know is
looking for a beautiful home in the north Jackson area, this one is on the
market. Items at the Sale John Deere lawn tractor (13 hp,
38’ cut) Sligh 84” tall grandfather
clock Antique Waterbury mantel/shelf
clock Antique DRGM wall clock Two matching wingback chairs Vintage mahogany frame chair Two parsons chairs Mid-century Formica top drop
leaf table Antique cherry bed and matching
dresser Cherry drop leaf banquet table Large desk with hutch Large wood storage chest Large two-door storage cabinet Mid-century metal locker Vintage fishing rods, reels,
and lures Mid-century bamboo fly rod and
accessories in wood case (purchased in Japan) Mid-century pecan finish china
cabinet Mid-century bookshelf with
glass doors Maple desk with pull-out
keyboard shelf Antique drop leaf table Minton china Mid-century blonde “drum” table
with “spider” legs Oil paintings, watercolors, and
prints Agri-fab tow-behind lawn
sweeper Dethatcher Truper two-wheel wheelbarrow Gas powered lawn equipment. Power tools and hand tools Metal patio swing with cushions Vintage toys Quilts Comforter sets Queen size sheets Luggage Wool accent rugs Fiesta dishes Corningware Canister sets Mid-century dishes 1950s child’s table and two
chairs Vintage metal doll house Antique rag doll Maple spool high chair Vintage nursery items Oak rocker Crystal Sterling silver and silver
plated items Occupied Japan items Mikasa Vintage jadite color milk shake
mixer Enameled cast iron skillets Maple coffee table Wrought iron plant stands Two vintage Challenger sleds
(50” and 60”) Hodgman chest waders (size 12) Redhead Bone Dry rubber boots
camo (size 12) Sony Handycam 8 Pentax 35mm SLR camera with
flash and extra 135mm lens See you at the
sale! |
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Keepsake Estate Sales. All
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