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Matthews Estate Sale
John and Elloween
Completed Sale
Location 108
Fountain Place Jackson,
TN Directions From the intersection of I-40 and Hwy 412 West, go west 2.1 miles. Turn right onto Old Bells Road and go 1.1 miles. Turn left onto Tuckahoe Road and go 1 mile. Turn left onto Fountain Place and go 900 feet. The home is on the left. Look for the Keepsake Estate Sale sign. Note: As you travel Tuckahoe Road, you will come to three circular intersections. Got left at the first one, right at the second, and left at the third. We will place directional signs along the way. John
Terms and Conditions We accept credit/debit cards,
checks, and , of course, cash Johnphoto Numbers will be given out at 8:00 AM Friday. Bring your own boxes and
packing materials. You will be responsible
for loading your own items. We are not responsible for
accidents or injuries. Please
do not block any driveways. We will not disclose
prices prior to the sale Sale Description The sale will be at a home in northwest Jackson near
Trinity Christian Academy. The home was that of John Matthews, a
former Air Force pilot who was a veteran of three wars (World War
II, Korean War, and the Vietnam War) and his wife Elloween, an
accomplished artist whose works have sold world wide. Being a military
family for many years, the Matthews collected items from various places
around the world. Mr. Matthews enjoyed woodworking and had a shop in
part of the large full basement. Much of the furniture in the home were
made by him. Most of the paintings you see in the photos were done by
Mrs. Matthews Items at the Sale 2002 Dodge Grand Caravan
“Sport” that has been garage kept and has been driven only 55,236 miles 1989 Plymouth Voyager (not
running) Large assortment of paintings
by Elloween Matthews Maple dining table (extendable
with stowaway leave) and six chairs Large maple hutch Maple dropleaf cart Custom made sideboard Noritake china Exotic wood carvings Dark pecan finish dining table
with six chairs and matching large china cabinet Large sofa Assorment of lamps Custom made cherry end tables and
matching coffee table. Custom made cherry lowboy Assorted accent chairs Custom made cherry curio
cabinet Console piano and matching
bench Cherry bedroom suite includes
queen size poster bed, chest-on-chest, dresser, and night stand Tall, free-standing, mahogany
full-length mirror Vintage walnut chest-of-drawers Full size maple bed Set of maple twin beds and
matching dresser Side-by-side refrigerator Two dryers and two washing
machines Coca Cola collectibles Antique china cabinet Custom made storage cabinets Large armoire Round oak pedestal dining table Set of twin bunkable beds and
matching dresser Several hundred feet of
hardwood lumber I (walnut, cherry, oak, poplar) Craftsman 10” 1hp table saw Craftsman 1hp air compressor Yard Machines 16.5hp 42” cut
lawn tractor Yard Man 6.5hp 21” push mower Master-till 5hp garden tiller Homelite chainsaw See you at the
sale! |
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